Record and analyze
your game
Veo is the ultimate camera for team sports. Record your matches and training sessions automatically and take your game a level up.

AI processes
your match
Upload your match and Veo’s software creates a full viewable recording of your match. Less than 8 hours after uploading your recording to Veo’s platform, you have a fully viewable recording where the camera follows the ball.

Record with
Veo camera
Set up the camera, press record on your smartphone and start recording all the action. Veo’s camera records 180° with two 4K lenses, contains enough storage for several matches and only weighs a little over 1kg.

Analyse your match
on Veo’s platform
Study your match, cut your highlights and share them with your players. Veo’s analysis platform has plenty of easy to use features that help you analyse your matches and training sessions.